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Dawson Group at the 2024 Pride Parade in Kamloops, British Columbia

Sanson was pioneer of gunite, shotcrete

One of the most valuable members of the Dawson Group of companies is Sansan Installations Ltd., leading gunite contractor in British Columbia. General manager of the company, T.T. (Terry) Learmouth works closely with Vice-president Lloyd Blain and through their team-work and

Laboured his way to the top

Barry H. Drummond, P. Eng., began his association with the Dawson companies while still in university, on summer labouring jobs. He joined Dawson, Wade and Co. on a full-time basis upon his graduation from UBC in 1961. He has worked in the estimating department and spent seve

Dawson for diversity

The Dawson Group of companies is looking forward to further growth and expansion to serve the public and industry primarily in Western Canada. William B. Laurie, C.A. - executive vice president and secretary, and a director of the Dawson companies, has been associated with th

Upper Levels project a tax on nerves

One of the most challenging jobs ever undertaken by Dawson Construction Limited is underway in West Vancouver. It involves the multi-million dollar Upper Levels Highway expansion project. The 3.1 miles of road work is costing the provincial government $2 million a mile – do