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Dawson Group at the 2024 Pride Parade in Kamloops, British Columbia

Dawson Group personnel gathered to honour the national Day of Mourning.

The Dawson Group Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Team held a virtual event for employees across the province in honour of the national Day of Mourning today, April 28. Staff observed a moment of silence to remember those who have lost their lives or been injured due to

DRM & MoTI coordinate efforts to clean up the 108 greenbelt path for Earth Day!

The Dawson Road Maintenance 100 Mile House Team and MoTI reps coordinated efforts to clean the most travelled sections of the 108 greenbelt path to celebrate Earth Day! The DRM crew was out Wednesday night and this morning, picking up litter along the most popular two kilomet

Kamloops crews clean up litter to mark Earth Day 2021!

A few small crews of Dawson Group staff hit the streets today with a clean-up effort to mark Earth Day in Kamloops. Despite a stiff wind, the crew collected nine full bags of garbage from Iron Mask Road, McGill Road and Long Lake Road in Knutsford. Among the debris were a hub ca

Our new paperless systems are making an impact!

In the spirit of Earth Day, we decided to see how much impact we had made on the environment after Dawson Road Maintenance crews switched to paperless reporting in July 2020. We were pleasantly surprised to see that to date, we have saved almost 120,000 sheets of paper in