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/ Dawson Road Maintenance

Dawson Road Maintenance at Heavy Metal Rocks in 100 Mile House British Columbia 2024

Dawson Road Maintenance entertains during annual Bulkley Valley Exhibition

Dawson Road Maintenance (DRM) Service Area (SA) 25 yard not only helped put on the 103rd annual Bulkley Valley Exhibition last weekend and made sure everyone had a great time, but also saved the day during the annual parade. The four-day fall fair kicked off with the parade o

Lisa Schaff’s dependability was a pillar for the growth of the road maintenance division

Seeing our core value of People First in action is easy when you spend time with Dawson Road Maintenance’s (DRM) Lisa Schaff. She has been going above and beyond to look after others before herself for the past 31 years. “Being in one place, I’ve developed a great sense

Arlene Rushton’s stability helped the growth of privatized road maintenance

The first major project tasked to Interior Roads Ltd. (IRL), now known as Dawson Road Maintenance (DRM), wasn’t pothole repairs or snow removal, it was gaining the trust from the community members following the privatization of highway maintenance in 1988. The first massive

Murphy adds new ticket to his toolset

Success occurs when an individual with a certain skillset is given the opportunity to grow. Currently, all over B.C., there is a greater opportunity than ever before to jump into the workforce. One current Dawson Road Maintenance (DRM) employee is seizing the opportunity of empl